NVivo Academy: includes links for on demand free webinars, paid online workshops.Qualitative Research - Transcription Help.See our NVivo Transcription page for details.This service has been vetted by Carleton's Research Ethics.Can be used with NVivo, or independent of it.Uses advanced speech recognition giving precise, automated transcripts in a short amount of time (about half the time of the recording).Here's a quick video showing you the work-around:.To download the needed file (see bottom of their post) you'll have to be logged in to your NVivo account.On the forum thread, see the March 30 post by the QSR team for full instructions (expand the post to see it in full).This is a known issue and QSR has posted a workaround for this in their forum. Even after doing this, some people still get an error message. When installing NVivo for Mac you may get a message saying you must grant "full disk access" and instructions to do so. Sept 2022: Known Issue with NVivo for Mac

IMPORTANT: after downloading the software and installing it, when it asks you to "Activate NVivo", you need to use the "enterprise key" link (smaller font, below the myNVivo link) to enter our license key.Sign up for a myNVivo Portal account using your full Carleton email address OR Use the Download tab.You will need a new license key each year. The license is renewed annually, towards the end of October.(license key for NVivo 12 still available if needed, we encourage you to upgrade to the latest version) License key is free to CU students, faculty, and staff, and is good for both Mac and Windows versions.Connect to this ITS page and then follow their link to the license form.GET THE SOFTWARE & LICENSE KEY: To get the license key: Our services are for CU faculty, students and staff only.Ask us questions via email, or book an in-person or zoom consultation.We are available for consultations (for individuals or groups).Keep track of all data associated with your project, code your data, create models to help organize your research, run queries on your coded data, create charts and reports for sharing with others etc. NVivo is a software package that helps with qualitative data analysis.